Inmode Solutions

Inmode Aesthetic Solutions is a breakthrough suite of technologies and applications providing cutting edge treatments for skin rejuvenation, body contouring, fat reduction, skin tightening, cellulite reduction, and more.
Rose Dermatology is pleased to be the first in Louisiana to offer their latest in body contouring Evolve. Evole is one device that offers three different applications. Trim can treat not only unwanted fat but will tighten your skin as you lose the fat. Tite is for the patient with laxed skin of an area – belly, arms or knees. Tone is for the patient who would like to tone their muscles – really you no longer need to go to gym for that. If you like to go to the gym, this may actually help your core workouts! Each one of these devices is hands free for your laser specialists, so if you are short on time and would like another one of our many services, you are able to have them both done at the same time. Inmode technologies, which Dr. Rose believes are more effective, less painful, and results are evident more quickly than previously available technologies. Individually, or in combination with other treatments, you can achieve enhancements to your face, skin, and body at an entirely new advanced level. With all three devices on one platform, combination of these technologies are giving even better results!
We are also excited to add Women’s Health to our practice through Inmode’sVotiva. Votivaoffers two applications for women’s health. The first if Forma V which uses bipolar radiofrequency to help strengthen the pelvic floor, rejuvenate vaginal tissue and the external labia. This can help with stress urinary incontinence as well as improving intimate relationship experiences. Morpheus8 is an advanced form of Fractora that remodels and rejuvenated the labia, returning a more youthful appearance. This device like Fratora can be used anywhere on the body, but has more precise technology, allowing us to determine which depth of penetration to achieve your desired results that was not previously available.
Most recently Rose Dermatology is thrilled to bring Evoke to our practice. This now allows us to noninvasively contour your body from head to toe!
The following Inmode applications are now available at Rose Dermatology:
BodyTite BodyTite is a minimally invasive procedure that shapes, contracts and lifts without the scalpel and large scarring. This procedure uses radio-frequency assisted lipolysis technology that gently treats fat in stubborn areas while tightening the skin with minimal downtime. This can be done in several areas including stomach, arms, chest, knees and inner/outer thighs. Results can be seen immediately following the treatment with the best results noticeable after 6 months and continuing up to 12 months.
FaceTite FaceTite is a new procedure that is comparable to a surgical facelift, without the large scars. It is the most advanced facial contouring and refinement procedure to reveal a younger looking you. FaceTite provides dramatic improvement in skin laxity on the face and neck, which historically has only truly been attainable through a surgical procedure. FaceTite uses minimally invasive radiofrequency energy to melt fat and contour the skin. The most common areas treated include double chins, jowls, nasolabial folds, and other areas with deep lines and loose skin.
AccuTite Accutite is the smallest contraction device in cosmetic medicine today and it applies focal radiofrequency contraction and prevents the need for more invasive or excisional surgery. It provides surgical results with dramatically less downtime and scarring. AccuTite can treat any areas with saggy skin or excess fat including the brows, periorbital region, nasolabial fold, lower face, neck, axilla, upper arms, abdomen etching, inner thighs and knees. AccuTite is a minimally invasive procedure performed with a very small wand under local anesthesia.
Evoke is a revolutionary, hands-free facial remodeling platform. This proprietary non-invasive technology is an industry first, delivering a structural re-organization of the facial and submental tissues. The remodeling of these areas produces results that are associated with a youthful appearance. The ultimate in medical-grade technology that ensures your practice capitalizes on client demand for facial remodeling treatments.
Evolve is an innovative hands-free solution that maximizes patient results and provides the highest quality of aesthetic treatments available. This all-in-one platform delivers multiple technologies on one system to remodel skin, target adipose tissue(fat) and tone muscles.
For Women’s Health
- Little to no discomfort
- Immediate Results with ongoing improvement
- No Downtime
- Improvement in Sexual Dysfunction/Improve Sexual Experience for you and your partner
- Pelvic Floor Tightening
- Increased Muscle Tone
- Stress Urinary Incontinence
- More youthful appearence
FormaV helps patients receive temporary improvements in blood circulation, muscle relief painand muscle relaxation.
Morpheus8 is a novel technology-adjusted for subdermal tissue remodeling, dermal treatment and epidermal resurfacing. It is applied externally and it is the deepest fractional technology with penetration up to 4000 microns. We can decide what depth is necessary to achieve your desired results.
LUMECCA is the most powerful and advanced intense pulse light (IPL) technology designed to treat age spots (red/brown pigmentation), redness (rosacea), freckles, sun damage, vascular lesions, and improve skin complexion. This can be done at the same time as Evolve.
MiniFX is a non-invasive treatment that delivers radio-frequency energy, improving blood circulation and dispersing heat to the deep tissue, improving the appearance of skin and cellulite in smaller areas, such as the neck, arms and knees. Negative pressure is used to attach skin to the RF electrodes to create uniform heating over the dermis and subdermal layers. You will love your results.
BodyFX is the ultimate (and really the only) treatment for cellulite, body contouring and uneven fat pockets that incorporates a combination of radio frequency energy, deep tissue heating, and suction coupled with negative pressure. BodyFX is non-invasive, effective, safe, and comfortable.
FRACTORA is an advanced fractional radio-frequency skin resurfacing treatment that reduces deep wrinkles, improves skin tone and texture, and restores skin to a more youthful appearance. Morpheus8 is the next generation of Fractora. This may be a more economical treatment to Morpheus8
FORMA‘s radio-frequency technology is the state-of-the art treatment of wrinkles and loose skin on the face, neck, and chest. Forma stimulates the formation of new collagen and provides optimal skin contraction in the deep layers of your skin.
Similar to FORMA, PLUS uses fractionated radio frequency to provide skin tightening, contraction, and contouring to larger areas of the body. Most common areas treated for loose skin and wrinkling include the abdomen, arms, knees, inner thighs, outer thighs, and back fat.